Army Reporter information

From date 710215 to 710221

Primary service involved, US Army
Kien Giang Province, IV Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Rach Gia
Description: 08Mar71- Vietnam communiqué Feb. 15-21 Page 2 Military Region 4 On the afternoon of Feb. 15, a U.S. Army OH6 helicopter was hit by enemy ground fire, crashed and was destroyed in Kien Giang Province. There were no casualties in the crash. The next afternoon in the province, a U.S. Army rivercraft Boston Whaler hit an unknown-type mine 27 miles south-southwest of Rach Gia and then received an unknown number of B40 rockets and 60mm mortar fire from an undetermined-size enemy force. Three U.S. personnel were killed and two wounded. The boat was destroyed.

The source for this information was 7103AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

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