Army Reporter information
From date 710222 to 710227
Primary service involved, US Army
Operation LAM SON 719
Description: 15Mar71- Vietnam communiqué Feb. 22-27 Page 2
Air support continues in Laos
U.S. Army helicopters continued their support activities during the week for units of the Republic of Vietnam operating in the lower panhandle of Laos in an attempt to cut off the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Three U.S. Army UH1 helicopters crashed and were destroyed in the lower panhandle of Laos during the afternoon of February 23. One was hit by enemy ground fire and three U.S. personnel were killed in the crash. The other two helicopters were involved in a midair collision while on a mission and eight U.S. personnel were killed in the mishap. The two aircraft were classified as operational losses. On the afternoon of Feb. 26, two U.S. Army OH6 helicopters were hit by enemy ground fire, crashed and were destroyed in the lower panhandle. Three U.S. personnel were wounded in the crashes. In air operations in support of the ARVN in Operation Lam Son 719 in Laos, helicopter gunships of the 101st Airborne Division observed seven enemy 16 miles south-southwest of Lao Bao in Savannakhet Province at noon Feb. 27. The gunships engaged the enemy with onboard ordnance, killing the seven enemy. There were no friendly casualties. Later that afternoon, a U.S. Army OH6 helicopter was hit by enemy ground fire, crashed and was destroyed in the lower panhandle. Two crew members were reported killed. At about the same time, a U.S. Army CH47 helicopter was hit by enemy ground fire, and also crashed and was destroyed in the same area. No casualties were reported in the crash and the crew was extracted. That evening, another U.S. Army OH6 helicopter was hit by enemy ground fire, crashed and was destroyed in the lower panhandle. One crew member was wounded and the crew was extracted.
The source for this information was 7103AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines
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