Army Reporter information
for 198 BDE 23 INF

From date 710222 to 710227

198 BDE 23 INF was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Quang Tin Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Description: 15Mar71- Vietnam communiqué Feb. 22-27 Page 2 23rd Inf Div In Quang Tin Province of Military Region 1, early the morning of Feb. 25, a division artillery observer of the 23rd Infantry Division called for fire on an undetermined-size enemy force six miles southwest of Tam Ky. Results were six enemy killed. There were no friendly casualties. That same morning in the bordering Province of Quang Ngai, an element of the 198th Bde., while in a night defensive position 24 miles west-southwest of Quang Ngai City, received a ground attack from an undetermined-size enemy force. Small arms fire was exchanged. Enemy casualties are unknown. Five U.S. soldiers were wounded in the engagement. At about the same time in the province, a Vietnamese Popular Force unit in a night defensive position 11 miles northwest of Quang Ngai City observed an undetermined-size enemy force. Artillery of the 23rd was called in and killed 15 of the enemy. There were no friendly casualties.

The source for this information was 7103AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines

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