Battle for the Plaine des Jarres information

For date 711217

Primary service involved, Air America
Description: By mid-December, the smoke from slash-and-burn farmers clearing new land from China to the Gulf of Thailand began to cover the area which limited air operations. On the 14th, CIA headquarters received overhead photos of very large trailers that held NVA 130mm guns. On the 17th, resupply onto PDJ was cut short when the whole area was enveloped in smoke. By nightfall all the Thai positions were under simultaneous ground and artillery attack. Most were reporting B-52-like bombs and rounds hitting accuracy. Many reported NVA tanks outside their wire. The NVA kept up their attacks throughout the night. By the next morning, every position had been breached, NVA tanks and 12.7mm AA guns were positioned throughout the PDJ, and the NVA had surrounded or controlled almost all of the Thai positions.

The source for this information was Covert Ops by Parker P:58

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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