Battle for the Plaine des Jarres information
For date 711218
Primary service involved, Air America
Description: Reports came in during the day that the Thais, able to get out of their positions, were retreating to the first ridgeline south of the PDJ. Air America lifted a combined reserve force of Thai and Hmong into these positions to help them regroup. A USAF jet was shot down by a North Vietnamese aircraft and the USAF redirected their support in the unsuccessful rescue effort of the pilot.
By late in the afternoon, only the westermost Thai position on the PDJ remained in friendly hands.
In Covert Ops, Parker describes one Twin Pack mission along the northwestern edge of the PDJ where the AA helicopter carried a team of Thai commanders and CIA officers to help with the air support. Suddenly the helicopter came under heavy 12.7mm fire.
The source for this information was Covert Ops by Parker P:61
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:
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