Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA)
Vietnam Helicopter Crew Members Association (VHCMA)
Killed in Action (KIA) on
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Panel Number


Date range on this panel 2/6/67 - 3/2/67

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Line                                                          Acft   Tail
No. Rank Name                       Duty Unit                 Type   Number
--- --- ----------------------------- -- -------------------- ------ --------
                 Incident Date 670206
001 COL Patrick Hardy Wood            P  38 ARRS DET 5        HH-3E  65-12779           

Incident Date 670207 004 SP4 Isaiah Anthony Dobbins CE 162 AHC UH-1C 64-14153 004 SP5 Willard Ansel Godfrey G 162 AHC UH-1C 64-14153
Incident Date 670208 010 CW2 Richard John Wright P 183 RAC
Incident Date 670212 024 WO1 Rudolph Francis Dungee AC B/227 AHB 1 CAV UH-1D 65-09924
Incident Date 670215 032 LCP James Stanley Childers C 036 SP4 Louis Ray Soward G 334 AHC UH-1D 037 CPT Robert Cole Stewart P 336 AHC, 13 CAB UH-1D 65-09854 031 SGT Allen B. Chamberlain CE A/4 AVN 4 INF UH-1D 65-12888
Incident Date 670216 040 WO1 Ray Eugene Bradley AC 334 AHC UH-1C 64-14187 042 SP4 Domingo Escalante, Jr. CE 334 AHC UH-1C 64-14187 052 WO1 Michael Steven Uhlig P 334 AHC UH-1C 64-14187 050 CPT Angelo Pullara P 37 ARRS HH-3E 64-14233
Incident Date 670217 054 SP4 Ronald David Hart C D/1/10 CAV 4 INF OH-23G 64-15313 055 WO1 Ernest Victor Hensel, Jr. P D/1/10 CAV 4 INF OH-23G 64-15313
Incident Date 670222 077 SGT Salvador Zabala, Jr. G 21 SIG GRP UH-1B 64-13999
Incident Date 670224 081 MAJ Albert Boyd Ayres P HMM-163 UH-34D 150563 082 CPL Roger Allen Castle C HMM-163 UH-34D 150563 082 HN Edwin Earl Cooper MD HMM-163 UH-34D 150563 085 1LT Charles Gilbert Mason AC HMM-163 UH-34D 150563 088 SSG Paul Lawrence Vernon C HMM-163 UH-34D 150563
Incident Date 670227 106 LT Litchfield Patterson Huie P HC-1 CVA-31 UH-2B 151317 106 LJG Edward Norman Letchworth P HC-1 CVA-31 UH-2B 151317 108 AN Bernard Jacob Sause, Jr. C HC-1 DET L UH-2B 151317 111 AN Ronald Lee Zempel C HC-1 DET L UH-2B 151317 103 1LT Michael John Carley P HMM-362 UH-34D 148810
Incident Date 670228 127 WO1 Thomas J. Evans, Jr. P ACT/11 ACR UH-1C 66-00526

For events on 670206 see operation GREENLEAF 2 BDE 9 INF, 1/39 INF, 3/5 CAV 9 INF, 2/47 INF
For events on 670212 see operation PERSHING , , 1 CAV DIV, 1/9 CAV
For events on 670213 see operation ENTERPRISE 3 BDE 9 INF, 3/39 INF, 2/60 INF, 5/60 INF
For events on 670214 see air war over North Vietnam , , ,
For events on 670214 see operation TUCSON 1 BDE 1 INF, 3 BDE 1 INF, ,
For events on 670215 see unit history 52 CAB, Callsign = Dragon, ,
For events on 670216 see operation DECKHOUSE VI HMM-363, , SLF,
For events on 670216 see operation RIVER RAIDER I 2 BDE 9 INF, RAD 91, 3/47 INF, MRF 9 INF
For events on 670217 see operation LIEN KET 81 , , ,
For events on 670221 see unit history 155 AHC, 23 ARVN DIV, ,
For events on 670222 see joint operation JUNCTION CITY 173 ABN, 1 INF DIV, 4 INF DIV, 25 INF DIV
For events on 670222 see operation report 173 ABN, airborne operation, ,
For events on 670223 see unit history 155 AHC, 4 INF DIV, ,
For events on 670224 see unit history 155 AHC, 101 ABN DIV, ,
For events on 670225 see operation PITTSBURG 1 BDE 9 INF, 4/39 INF, 2/47 INF,
For events on 670226 see operation report 3/4 CAV, 4/9 INF, 25 INF DIV,
For events on 670226 see unit history 155 AHC, 4 INF DIV, ,
For events on 670227 see air war over North Vietnam , , ,
For events on 670227 see operation report , , ,
For events on 670227 see operation report HMM-363, , SLF,
For events on 670228 see Battle at Prek Klok I 1 INF DIV, , ,
For events on 670301 see project PRACTICE NINE 3 MAR DIV, DMZ barrier, ,

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please note:  The incident date is not always the same as date died.
Duty codes: AC = Aircraft Commander P = Pilot CP = Co-pilot C = Crew Member FE = Flight Engineer G = Gunner OB = Observer CE = Crew Chief IP = Instructor Pilot MD = Medic ME = Mechanic PX = Passenger PP = Pilot Passenger CX = Crew member passenger ME = Mechanic PR = Pararescue Member TI = Technical Observer FM = Flight Mechanic RS = Rescue Specialist FS = Flight Surgeon OG = Non-Crew Member On Ground CG = Crew Member on Ground

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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Date posted on this site: 10/25/2024